The purpose of this section is to describe the Repcamp platform's Objects. Each object is described through its list of fields and its resource request / response action list.
Repcamp platform is composed by the following objects: Customer, Address, Product, Category, Manufacturers, Order, Media.
Customer of a company. All orders and commercial actions are linked to a customer object.
Field Guide
Field name | Type | Constraint | Description |
_id | ObjectId | Key Auto | Internal Unique ID of the customer. "_id" : ObjectId("530c7d72177dde00280006a4") |
contract | ObjectId | Uni. Req. | Subscription code "contract" : "0a57cb53ba59c468a87c78d84028" |
code | String | Uni. Req. | Customer's ERP/external code. That's the code normally used to identify an specific customer externally. "code" : "001PR" |
comercial_name | String | Req. | Customer's commercial name. That's the name showed in the main position in the customer screen of the mobile app "comercial_name" : "Maname" |
fiscal_name | String | Req. | Customer's fiscal name. "fiscal_name" : "Maname & Company Ltd." |
vat_number | String | Opt. | Customer's Vat Number. "vat_number" : "D58709832" |
telephone | String | Opt. | Customer's telephone. "telephone" : "(831) 758-7214" |
String | Opt. | Customer's e-mail. "email" : "" |
address | String | Opt. | Customer's adress. "address" : "26485 Ynez Road Temecula" |
city | String | Opt. | Customer's city. "city" : "Temecula" |
zip | String | Opt. | Customer's adress ZIP code. "zip" : "92591" |
state | String | Opt. | Customer's state. "state" : "CA" |
state_code | String | Opt. | Code of the state. CA |
country | String | Opt. | Customer's country. "country" : "United States" |
country_code | String | Opt. | Code of the country ES |
latitude | Double | Opt. | Customer's address latitude. "latitude" : 33.5220079 |
longitude | Double | Opt. | Customer's address longitude. "longitude" : -117.1584848 |
discount | Double | Opt. | Customer's % disccount. "discount" : 0 |
payment_method | String | Opt. | Customer's payment method. "payment_method" : "Immediately" |
pricelist | String | Opt. |
Pricelist assigned to a customer |
reps | JsonArray | Opt. |
Array of the reps who own the customers |
addresses | JsonArray | Opt. |
Array of the customer's addresses |
status | Integer | Req. | Status of the object (1 Active / 0 Blocked ) "status" : 1 |
updated_at | DateTime | Auto | Update datetime. Auto generated "updated_at" : ISODate("2014-02-25T11:29:00.671Z") |
created_at | DateTime | Auto | Create datetime. Auto generated "created_at" : ISODate("2014-02-25T11:24:34.243Z") |
Customer JSON representation sample
"__v" : 1,
"_id" : ObjectId("54c2687b1dde410000000a59"),
"address" : "CR. D´OLOT, 14",
"city" : "VILAFANT",
"code" : "286",
"comercial_name" : "MONT GORGOT, JOSEP",
"contract" : "cae91e45aed80f3a3fe285c3c8c1a7e78d82d473",
"country" : "ESPAÑA",
"created_at" : ISODate("2015-01-23T15:27:55.741Z"),
"discount" : 0,
"email" : "",
"fiscal_name" : "MONT GORGOT, JOSEP",
"language" : "es",
"latitude" : 42.2486443,
"longitude" : 2.9381984,
"payment_method" : "60 dies",
"pricelist" : "0",
"reps" : [
"user" : ObjectId("54c2639a07caf6c4d8000012"),
"_id" : ObjectId("54c2687b1dde410000000a5a"),
"assigned_at" : ISODate("2015-01-22T10:08:05.870Z")
"user" : ObjectId("54c2639a07caf6c4d8000012"),
"_id" : ObjectId("54c268d41dde41000000182a"),
"assigned_at" : ISODate("2015-01-22T10:08:05.870Z")
"addresses" : [
"addresses": [
{ "code": "RX23",
"_id": "54c2687b1dde4100000008af",
"description": "StoreHouse, Barcelona",
"address":"Carrer Suecia 64",
"telephone":"34 667200121",
"visiting":"1" ,
"shipping":"1" }
"state" : "GIRONA",
"status" : 1,
"telephone" : "972 67 15 91",
"updated_at" : ISODate("2015-01-29T07:19:38.000Z"),
"vat_number" : "40430761G",
"zip" : "17740"
- GET GET customers
- GET GET customers/:code
- POST POST customers
- PUT PUT customers/:code
- DELETE DELETE customers/:code
Adress of a customer.
Field Guide
Field name | Type | Constraint | Description |
_id | ObjectId | Key Auto | Internal Unique ID of the customer. "_id" : ObjectId("530c7d72177dde00280006a4") |
contract | ObjectId | Uni. Req. | Subscription code "contract" : "0a57cb53ba59c468a87c78d84028" |
code | String | Opt. | Adress's ERP/external code. That's the code normally used to identify an specific adress externally. "code" : "001PR" |
name | String | Opt. | Address name. "name" : "Storehouse" |
description | String | Opt. | Address description. "description" : "Casa" |
address | String | Opt. | Address "address" : "Swedden Street Nº23" |
address_2 | String | Opt. | Address additional line "address_2" : "Swedden Street Nº77210" |
city | String | Opt. | Customer's city. "city" : "Temecula" |
zip | String | Opt. | Customer's adress ZIP code. "zip" : "92591" |
state | String | Opt. | Customer's state. "state" : "CA" |
country | String | Opt. | Address country. "country" : "United States" |
latitude | Double | Opt. | Address latitude. "latitude" : 33.5220079 |
longitude | Double | Opt. | Address longitude. "longitude" : -117.1584848 |
country_code | String | Opt. | country code "country_code" : "1221" |
state_code | String | Opt. | State code "state_code" : "RX223" |
telephone_1 | String | Opt. |
Telephone |
telephone_2 | String | Opt. |
Telephone 2 |
billing | Integer | Req. | Billing address (1=true, 0=false) "billing" : 1 |
shippping | Integer | Req. | Shipping address (1=true, 0=false) "shipping" : 1 |
visiting | Integer | Req. | Visiting address (1=true, 0=false) "visiting" : 1 |
status | Integer | Req. | Status of the object (1 Active / 0 Blocked ) "status" : 1 |
updated_at | DateTime | Auto | Update datetime. Auto generated "updated_at" : ISODate("2014-02-25T11:29:00.671Z") |
created_at | DateTime | Auto | Create datetime. Auto generated "created_at" : ISODate("2014-02-25T11:24:34.243Z") |
Company's product.
Field Guide
Field name | Type | Constraint | Description |
_id | ObjectId | Key Auto | Internal Unique ID of the product. "_id" : ObjectId("530c7d72177dde00280006a4") |
contract | ObjectId | Uni. Req. | Subscription code "contract" : "0a57cb53ba59c468a87c78d84028" |
code | String | Uni. Req. | Product's ERP/external code. That's the code normally used to identify an specific product externally. "code" : "PR0001" |
name | String | Req. | Product's name. That's the name showed in the main position in the product screen of the mobile app ""name" : "Vintage Whitey"" |
description | String | Opt. | Description of the product "description" : "Informacion adicional\nObservaciones varias" |
price | Double | Opt. | Product price "price" : 250 |
suggested_price | String | Opt. | Product suggested price "suggested_price" :300 |
cost | String | Opt. | Cost price of the product "cost" : 180 |
tax | String | Opt. | Tax of the product "tax" : 21 |
discount | String | Opt. | Disccount "discount" : 0 |
minimum | String | Opt. |
Min. buying units |
maximum | String | Opt. | Ma.x buying units "maximum" : "999999999" |
stock | String | Opt. | Product's stock "stock" : "12" |
unit | Double | Opt. | Type of unit "unit" : meter |
subtract | Double | Opt. | Substract stock (Yes/not) "substract" : 1 |
sort_order | Double | Opt. | Sort Order (the product position where it has to be placed in the catalog) "sort_order" : 10 |
image_uri | String | Opt. | Uri of product's image "image_uri" : "" |
weight | Integer | Opt. | Product's weight "weight" : 100 |
weight_class | Integer | Opt. | Type of measurement units "weight class" : kg |
length | Integer | Opt. | Product's lenght "status" : 1 |
width | Integer | Opt. | Product's width "width" : 10 |
height | Integer | Opt. | Product's height "height" : 10 |
length_class | Integer | Opt. | Type of measurement units "legnth_class" : mm |
manufacturer | Integer | Opt. | Code of the product's manufacturer "manufacturer" : ObjectId("54b8f7d7bffd08381f0001be") |
categories | Integer | Opt. | Array of categories that the product belogns. "categories" : [ObjectId("54b8f7d7bffd08381f0001b9"), ObjectId("54b8f7d7bffd08381f0001b2")], |
date_available | Integer | Opt. | Avaiable date "date_available" : ISODate("2015-01-16T11:36:58.07Z") |
featured | Integer | Opt. | Featured flag "featured" : 1 |
status | Integer | Opt. | Status of the object (1 Active / 0 Blocked ) "status" : 1 |
updated_at | DateTime | Auto | Update datetime. Auto generated "updated_at" : ISODate("2014-02-25T11:29:00.671Z") |
created_at | DateTime | Auto | Create datetime. Auto generated "created_at" : ISODate("2014-02-25T11:24:34.243Z") |
Product JSON representation sample
"code" : "0001PR",
"_id" : ObjectId("54b8f7dabffd08381f0001d6"),
"manufacturer" : ObjectId("54b8f7d7bffd08381f0001be"),
"contract" : "cae91e45aed80f3a3fe285c3c8c1a7e78d82d473",
"length_class" : "0",
"weight_class" : "0",
"sort_order" : 0,
"stock" : 16002,
"discount" : 0,
"tax" : 21,
"cost" : 0,
"suggested_price" : 0,
"description" : "Informacion adicional\nObservaciones varias",
"name" : "Vintage Whitey",
"image_updated_at" : ISODate("2015-01-16T11:36:58.07Z"),
"stock_updated_at" : ISODate("2015-01-16T11:36:58.07Z"),
"updated_at" : ISODate("2015-01-16T11:36:58.07Z"),
"created_at" : ISODate("2015-01-16T11:36:58.07Z"),
"status" : 1,
"featured" : 0,
"categories" : [ObjectId("54b8f7d7bffd08381f0001b9"), ObjectId("54b8f7d7bffd08381f0001b2")],
"height" : 0,
"width" : 0,
"length" : 0,
"weight" : 0,
"subtract" : 1,
"maximum" : 99999999,
"minimum" : 1,
"price" : 250,
"__v" : 0
- GET /products
- POST /products/bulk
- POST /stock/bulk
- POST /products
- PUT /products/:code
- DELETE /products/:code
Product category.
Field Guide
Field name | Type | Constraint | Description |
_id | ObjectId | Key Auto | Internal Unique ID of the category. "_id" : ObjectId("530c7d72177dde00280006a4") |
contract | ObjectId | Uni. Req. | Subscription code "contract" : "0a57cb53ba59c468a87c78d84028" |
code | String | Uni. Req. | Category's ERP/external code. That's the code used to identify an specific category externally. "code" : "CT0011" |
name | String | Req. | Category's name. That's the name showed in the main position in the product screen of the mobile app ""name" : "Computers" |
parent | ObjectId | OPt. | Parent ID "parent" : "0a57cb53ba59c468a87c78d84028" |
level | Integer | Opt. | Level in the hierarchy "level" : 2 |
sort_order | Integer | Opt. | Position of the category "parent" : "0a57cb53ba59c468a87c78d84028" |
updated_at | DateTime | Auto | Update datetime. Auto generated "updated_at" : ISODate("2014-02-25T11:29:00.671Z") |
created_at | DateTime | Auto | Create datetime. Auto generated "created_at" : ISODate("2014-02-25T11:24:34.243Z") |
Category JSON representation sample
"updated_at": "2015-01-16T20:00:39.211Z",
"created_at": "2015-01-16T11:36:55.538Z",
"path": "54b8f7d7bffd08381f0001b2",
"contract": "cae91e45aed80f3a3fe285c3c8c1a7e78d82d473",
"name": "Boards",
"code": "CT001",
"_id": "54b8f7d7bffd08381f0001b2",
"__v": 0,
"status": 1,
"sort_order": 0,
"level": 1,
"id": "54b8f7d7bffd08381f0001b2"
- GET /categories
- POST /categories/bulk
- POST /categories
- PUT /categories/:code
- DELETE /categories/:code
Product manufacturer
Field Guide
Field name | Type | Constraint | Description |
_id | ObjectId | Key Auto | Internal Unique ID of the manufacturer. "_id" : ObjectId("530c7d72177dde00280006a4") |
contract | ObjectId | Uni. Req. | Subscription code "contract" : "0a57cb53ba59c468a87c78d84028" |
code | String | Uni. Req. | Manufacturer's ERP/external code. That's the code used to identify an specific manufacturer externally. "code" : "MNF0001" |
name | String | Req. | Manufacturer's name. That's the name showed in the main position in the product screen of the mobile app ""name" : "Adeltic"" |
sort_order | Integer | Opt. | Position of the manufacturer "parent" : "0a57cb53ba59c468a87c78d84028" |
updated_at | DateTime | Auto | Update datetime. Auto generated "updated_at" : ISODate("2014-02-25T11:29:00.671Z") |
created_at | DateTime | Auto | Create datetime. Auto generated "created_at" : ISODate("2014-02-25T11:24:34.243Z") |
Manufacturer JSON representation sample
"updated_at": "2015-01-16T20:00:39.571Z",
"created_at": "2015-01-16T11:36:55.788Z",
"description": "",
"contract": "cae91e45aed80f3a3fe285c3c8c1a7e78d82d473",
"sort_order": 0,
"name": "Santa Cruz",
"code": "BR05",
"_id": "54b8f7d7bffd08381f0001bb",
"__v": 0,
"status": 1
- GET/manufacturers
- POST/manufacturers/bulk
- POST/manufacturers
- PUT/manufacturers/:code
- DELETE/manufacturers/:code
Field Guide
Field name | Type | Constraint | Description |
_id | ObjectId | Key Auto | Internal Unique ID of the manufacturer. "_id" : ObjectId("530c7d72177dde00280006a4") |
contract | ObjectId | Uni. Req. | Subscription code "contract" : "0a57cb53ba59c468a87c78d84028" |
code | String | Uni. Req. | Manufacturer's ERP/external code. That's the code used to identify an specific manufacturer externally. "code" : "MNF0001" |
name | String | Req. | Manufacturer's name. That's the name showed in the main position in the product screen of the mobile app ""name" : "Adeltic"" |
comments | String | Opt. | Comments attached to the order "comments" : "Deliver on the office" |
currency | String | Req. | Currency code of the order "currency": "EUR" |
currency_symbol | String | Req. | Currency Symbol "currency_symbol": "€" |
customer_code | String | Req. | Customer external code "customer_code": "7" |
customer_id | ObjectId | Req. | Customer ID
"customer_id": "54afcb55a866fba81c00016d" |
customer_info | JsonObject | Req. | Object that contains all the information of the customer Link:customer_info |
customer_name | String | Req. | Fiscal name of the customer
"customer_name": "Agrolait|Agrolait", |
delivery_date | DateTime | Opt. | Date expected the order will be delivered "delivey_date" : "2015-01-17T00:37:39.078Z" |
discount | Double | Opt. | Order disccount "discount": 0 |
internalcode | Integer | Req. | Internal code "internalcode": 9 |
internalcode_pre | String | Req. | Internal code Prefix "internalcode_pre": "OIDUR" |
unique_code | String | Req. | Unique Code "unique_code" : "OIDUR9" |
payment_address | JsonObject | Req. | Payment address Link to : adress_object |
payment_method | String | Req. | Payment method of the order "payment_method": "Immediate Payment" |
String | Optee. | URI of the document PDF "pdf": "" |
ref | String | Opt. | Order Reference to facilitate the search "ref": "ENTIENDA-12" |
rep_id | ObjectId | Req. | Internal ID of the rep who has made the order "rep_id": "54760688beb6f42c15000078" |
rep_info | JsonObject | Req. | JsonObject that contains the rep info "parent" : "0a57cb53ba59c468a87c78d84028" |
round | Integer | Req. | Position of the manufacturer Link to : rep_info |
shipping_address | JsonObject | Req. | Shipping adress Link to : Shipping adress object |
status | Integer | Req. | Status of the order "status": 3 |
type | Integer | Req. |
Type of the order |
totals | JsonArray | Req. | JsonArray of totals Link to : Totals |
lines | JsonArray | Req. | JsonArray of lines Link to : Lines |
updated_at | DateTime | Auto | Update datetime. Auto generated "updated_at" : ISODate("2014-02-25T11:29:00.671Z") |
created_at | DateTime | Auto | Create datetime. Auto generated "created_at" : ISODate("2014-02-25T11:24:34.243Z") |
Field Guide
Field name | Type | Constraint | Description |
_id | ObjectId | Key Auto | Internal Unique ID of the customer. "_id" : ObjectId("530c7d72177dde00280006a4") |
code | String | Uni. Req. | Customer's ERP/external code. That's the code normally used to identify an specific customer externally. "code" : "001PR" |
comercial_name | String | Req. | Customer's commercial name. That's the name showed in the main position in the customer screen of the mobile app "comercial_name" : "Maname" |
fiscal_name | String | Req. | Customer's fiscal name. "fiscal_name" : "Maname & Company Ltd." |
vat_number | String | Opt. | Customer's Vat Number. "vat_number" : "D58709832" |
telephone | String | Opt. | Customer's telephone. "telephone" : "(831) 758-7214" |
String | Opt. | Customer's e-mail. "email" : "" |
address | String | Opt. | Customer's adress. "address" : "26485 Ynez Road Temecula" |
city | String | Opt. | Customer's city. "city" : "Temecula" |
zip | String | Opt. | Customer's adress ZIP code. "zip" : "92591" |
state | String | Opt. | Customer's state. "state" : "CA" |
country | String | Opt. | Customer's country. "country" : "United States" |
latitude | Double | Opt. | Customer's address latitude. "latitude" : 33.5220079 |
longitude | Double | Opt. | Customer's address longitude. "longitude" : -117.1584848 |
discount | Double | Opt. | Customer's % disccount. "discount" : 0 |
payment_method | String | Opt. | Customer's payment method. "payment_method" : "Immediately" |
status | Integer | Req. | Status of the object (1 Active / 0 Blocked ) "status" : 1 |
Field name | Type | Constraint | Description |
line | String | Uni. Req. | Line id is GUID 30a7e1b3-e763-4789-a54d-fcc53dcf973a |
related_line | String | Req. | Related Line GUID PR001 |
code | String | Req. | Product code PR001 |
description | String | Req. | Product Description Black Pocket |
manufacturer_name | String | Opt. | The manufacturer name of the product SantaCruz |
category_name | String | Opt. | Category of the product Gadgets |
units | Double | Req. | Quantity of items 2 |
sort_order | Double | Req. | The order of the line to be presented 20150120132026 |
served_units | Double | Opt. |
The number of served units |
unit_price | Double | Req. | Product unit price before tax 20 |
final_unit_price | Double | Req. | Final unit price 24.2 |
discount_description | String | Opt. | Discount description message 0% 0% 0% |
discount | Double | Opt. | First discount 0 |
discount2 | Double | Opt. | Second discount 0 |
discount3 | Double | Opt. | Third discount 0 |
tax_description | String | Req. | Avaiable date 21% |
tax | double | Req. | Product tax 21 |
subtotal | Double | Req. | Line subtotal, before tax 40 |
total | Double | Req. | Lie total 48.4 |
cost | Double | Req. | Cost of the product 12 |
Field name | Type | Constraint | Description |
local_id | String | Uni. Req. | Generated GUID. 368F1457-F695-4201-85C1-7E18153F0F92 |
sort_order | integer | Req. | Price position when are all painted 1 |
code | String | Req. | Type identifier subtotal |
description | String | Req. | Description text Subtotal |
text | String | Req. | Amount description 230,00 € |
value | Double | Req. | Amount value 230 |
Order Status Code-Reference
- -1Canceled
- 2Pending
- 3In Process
- 4Error
- 5Delivered
- 6Completed
Order JSON representation sample
"__v": 0,
"_id": "54b9aed3928484000000000b",
"code": "1918D928-EC40-4C69-BAFE-CCDED189EF14",
"comments": "",
"contract": "cae91e45aed80f3a3fe285c3c8c1a7e78d82d473",
"created_at": "2015-01-17T00:37:39.078Z",
"created_at_local": "20150117013738",
"currency": "EUR",
"currency_symbol": "€",
"currency_value": 1,
"customer_code": "7",
"customer_id": "54afcb55a866fba81c00016d",
"customer_info": {
"_id": "54afcb55a866fba81c00016d",
"code": "7",
"vat_number": "",
"fiscal_name": "Agrolait",
"comercial_name": "Agrolait",
"description": "BG45-Bla bla bla bla",
"discount": 0,
"payment_method": "Immediate Payment",
"status": 1,
"address": "69 rue de Namur",
"address_2": "",
"city": "Wavre",
"zip": "1300",
"country": "Belgium",
"state": "Brussels",
"telephone": "+32 10 588 558",
"telephone_2": "658 66 66 66",
"email": "",
"latitude": 0,
"longitude": 0
"customer_name": "Agrolait|Agrolait",
"delivery_date": "",
"discount": 0,
"internalcode": 9,
"internalcode_pre": "OIDUR",
"payment_address": {
"address": "69 rue de Namur",
"address_2": "",
"city": "Wavre",
"zip": "1300",
"country": "Belgium",
"state": "Brussels",
"telephone": "+32 10 588 558",
"telephone_2": "658 66 66 66",
"email": "",
"latitude": 0,
"longitude": 0
"payment_method": "Immediate Payment",
"pdf": "",
"ref": "Ref",
"rep_id": "54760688beb6f42c15000078",
"rep_info": {
"firstname": "Marc",
"lastname": "Mora",
"email": ""
"round": 2,
"shipping_address": {
"address": "69 rue de Namur",
"address_2": "",
"city": "Wavre",
"zip": "1300",
"country": "Belgium",
"state": "Brussels",
"telephone": "+32 10 588 558",
"telephone_2": "658 66 66 66",
"email": "",
"latitude": 0,
"longitude": 0
"status": 3,
"type": 0,
"unique_code": "OIDUR9",
"updated_at": "2015-01-19T17:46:53.816Z",
"totals": [
"local_id": "CCDA693F-6091-4A62-9955-13E92AF4BEF9",
"sort_order": "1",
"code": "subtotal",
"description": "Subtotal",
"text": "900,00 €",
"value": 900
"local_id": "7B86A192-6402-4859-A2B3-4A1498670310",
"sort_order": "2",
"code": "headerDisc",
"description": "Descuento",
"text": "0,00 €",
"value": 0
"local_id": "8D82E74E-7E48-40D6-A511-34D61366BE8F",
"sort_order": "3",
"code": "subtotalDisc",
"description": "Total Neto",
"text": "900,00 €",
"value": 900
"local_id": "671249E9-655D-4D70-92D8-F78482A2E384",
"sort_order": "4",
"code": "taxes",
"description": "Tasas",
"text": "189,00 €",
"value": 189
"local_id": "8BA7604C-3308-4302-BC03-9E585179B04C",
"sort_order": "5",
"code": "total",
"description": "Total",
"text": "1.089,00 €",
"value": 1089
"lines": [
"line": "68CF5FFE-F225-4B3E-AD03-3FE761C097C2",
"product_id": "54b8f7d9bffd08381f0001cd",
"code": "0010PR",
"related_line": "",
"description": "Arctic Wax",
"sort_order": "20150117013708",
"manufacturer_name": "Lost",
"category_name": "Gadgets",
"units": 1,
"served_units": 0,
"unit_price": 30,
"final_unit_price": 30,
"discount_description": "",
"discount": 0,
"discount2": 0,
"discount3": 0,
"tax_description": "21.0%",
"tax": "21.0",
"subtotal": 30,
"total": 30,
"cost": 0,
"status": 0
"line": "5737860E-76C0-4468-9380-430B8887A1F7",
"product_id": "54b8f7d9bffd08381f0001c4",
"code": "0019PR",
"related_line": "",
"description": "Beelish Thick",
"sort_order": "20150117013709",
"manufacturer_name": "Santa Cruz",
"category_name": "Gadgets",
"units": 1,
"served_units": 0,
"unit_price": 20,
"final_unit_price": 20,
"discount_description": "",
"discount": 0,
"discount2": 0,
"discount3": 0,
"tax_description": "21.0%",
"tax": "21.0",
"subtotal": 20,
"total": 20,
"cost": 0,
"status": 0
"line": "B677D78C-EF02-4535-BF99-E2EAADD5690A",
"product_id": "54b8f7d9bffd08381f0001cf",
"code": "0008PR",
"related_line": "",
"description": "B
Field name | Type | Constraint | Description |
_id | ObjectId | Key Auto | Internal Unique ID of the pricelist "_id" : ObjectId("530c7d72177dde00280006a4") |
unique_code | String | Uni. Req. | Price list unique ERP/external code. This is not the code of the price list but the the unique code that identifies a specific version of a price list. PL01VER01 |
code | String | Req. | Price list ERP/external code. PL01 |
description | String | Opt. | Description of the price list Winter 2015 |
type | Integer | Opt. | One of the three PriceListType: PRICE, DISCOUNT, PRICE_DISCOUNT PriceListType.PRICE_DISCOUNT |
start_date | String | Opt. | Price List start date ISODate("2014-02-25T11:29:00.671Z") |
end_date | String | Opt. | Price List end date ISODate("2015-02-25T11:29:00.671Z") |
updated_at | String | Auto | Update datetime. Auto generated 2014-02-25T11:29:00.671Z |
created_at | String | Auto | Create datetime. Auto generated 2014-02-25T11:24:34.243Z |
- GET/pricelists
- POST/pricelists/bulk
- POST/pricelists
- PUT/pricelists/:code
- DELETE/pricelists:code
Pricelist JSON representation sample
"__v": 0,
"_id": "54b8f7dabffd08381f0001d8",
"code": "0",
"contract": "cae91e45aed80f3a3fe285c3c8c1a7e78d82d473",
"created_at": "2015-01-16T11:36:58.851Z",
"description": "General",
"unique_code": "0$0",
"updated_at": "2015-01-23T15:29:25.757Z",
"end_date": "2037-12-31T00:00:00.000Z",
"start_date": "2015-01-23T16:29:27.914Z",
"type": "price_discount"
Field name | Type | Constraint | Description |
_id | ObjectId | Key Auto | Internal Unique ID of the pricelist line. "_id" : ObjectId("530c7d72177dde00280006a4") |
unique_code | String | Uni. Req. | Unique code for the price list line so it is easy to update. PL01VER01L01 |
pricelist_code | String | Req. | Price List ERP code PL01 |
code | String | Req. | Code of the product PR0001 |
price | Double | Opt. | Product Price 250 |
quantity | Double | Opt. | Quantity in case the price is defined per volume. 5 |
discount1 | Double | Opt. | First discount 10 |
discount2 | Double | Opt. | Second discount 5 |
discount3 | Double | Opt. | Third discount 0 |
minimum | Double | Opt. |
Minimum or recurrent quantity that triggers the bonus |
bonus | Double | Opt. | Bonus units. This Particular example would be: Every 5 units, 2 bonus units 2 |
type | String | Opt. | The PriceListLineType, one of this three possible options: PRICE, BONUS, VOLUME PriceListLineType.PRICE |
updated_at | String | Auto | Update datetime. Auto generated 2014-02-25T11:29:00.671Z |
created_at | String | Auto | Create datetime. Auto generated 2014-02-25T11:24:34.243Z |
PricelistLine JSON representation sample
"code" : "PR0011",
"quantity" : 40,
"discount1" : 7,
"discount2" : 7,
"discount3" : 12,
"type" : "priceqty"
Field name | Type | Constraint | Description |
unique_code | String | Uni. Req. | Last sale unique code 0-SE-PED-1 |
rep_unique_code | String | Opt. | Rep code specified at reps managment place REP01 |
customer_id | String | Req. | Customer GUID (Generated by the system) Get only. Must exist. 5357a2acd5a0399c36000001 |
customer_unique_code | String | Req. | Customer ERP code C0001 |
product_id | String | Opt. | Product GUID (Generated by the system) Get only. 34143423dads1asdnak13213 |
product_unique_code | String | Req. | Product ERP SKU. No need to exist. PR001 |
product_description | String | Opt. | Product description SantaCruz |
units | BigDecimal | Req. | Number of sold units 4 |
unit_price | BigDecimal | Req. |
The unit price before applying the discounts |
final_unit_price | BigDecimal | Req. | Final unit price after applying the discounts 10.22 |
discount_description | String | Opt. | Discount description message 0% 0% 0% |
discount | BigDecimal | Opt. | First discount 0 |
discount2 | BigDecimal | Opt. | Second discount 0 |
discount3 | BigDecimal | Opt. | Third discount 0 |
subtotal | BigDecimal | Req. | Line subtotal, before tax 40 |
cost | BigDecimal | Req. | Cost of the product 12 |
date | String | Req. | Sold at date 2014-02-25T11:29:00.671Z |
document_id | String | Req. | The document id SE-PED-1 |
updated_at | String | Auto | Update datetime. Auto generated 2014-02-25T11:29:00.671Z |
created_at | String | Auto | Create datetime. Auto generated 2014-02-25T11:24:34.243Z |
LastSale JSON representation sample
"_id" : ObjectId("54e5f8c006c0898812000032"),
"order_id" : ObjectId("54be4814b884d608a300000c"),
"customer_id" : ObjectId("54b8f7d6bffd08381f0001ac"),
"product_id" : ObjectId("54b8f7d9bffd08381f0001cd"),
"product_description" : "0010PR\\Arctic Wax",
"units" : 1,
"unit_price" : 30,
"final_unit_price" : 30,
"discount_description" : "",
"discount" : 0,
"discount2" : 0,
"discount3" : 0,
"subtotal" : 30,
"cost" : 0,
"document_id" : "AEC72429-8898-4B60-ABB8-077F45A5EB36",
"contract" : "cae91e45aed80f3a3fe285c3c8c1a7e78d82d473",
"created_at" : ISODate("2015-02-19T14:52:48.000Z"),
"updated_at" : ISODate("2015-02-19T14:52:48.000Z")
Field name | Type | Constraint | Description |
code | String | Uni. Req. | Country code. USA |
name | String | Req. | Country name United States of America |
List<State> | List<State> | Opt. | List of states [new State(), new State, new State()] |
updated_at | String | Auto | Update datetime. Auto generated 2014-02-25T11:29:00.671Z |
created_at | String | Auto | Create datetime. Auto generated 2014-02-25T11:24:34.243Z |
Field name | Type | Constraint | Description |
code | String | Uni. Req. | State code. Unique in the list of country states CA |
name | String | Req. | Type identifier California |
Country/State JSON representation sample
"_id" : ObjectId("54c65e2ede4340840a00003b"),
"code" : "AS",
"name" : "American Samoa",
"states" : [
"code" : "117",
"name" : "Eastern"
"code" : "118",
"name" : "Manu'a"
"code" : "119",
"name" : "Rose Island"
"code" : "120",
"name" : "Swains Island"
"code" : "121",
"name" : "Western"
"contract" : "cae91e45aed80f3a3fe285c3c8c1a7e78d82d473",
"created_at" : ISODate("2015-01-26T15:33:02.000Z"),
"updated_at" : ISODate("2015-01-26T15:33:02.000Z")