The purpose of this section is to describe the Repcamp platform's objects through a list fields definition guide. You will notice that there are some diferences when comparing the below objects with the ones found at the API Object reference page. This is because some of the fields are internal attributes used by the system but not needded when synchronizing with third party software.
Tips & Tricks
- When using the SDK you will notice that some objects will have the Getters and Setters methods for all of their attributes but others will only have Getters. This is because some objects are meant to be uploaded/downloaded and some only to be downloaded.
- All of the objects have required fileds and those have to be fulfiled, but for the optional stuff a good practice would be to leave them null instead of a blank string so the system treats them. Lets imagine you have a customer with no telephone:
//Not a good practice Customer customer = new Customer(); customer.setCode("CS00001"); customer.setFiscal_name("The Name Of The Customer"); customer.setTelephone(""); //The way to go! Customer customer = new Customer(); customer.setCode("CS00001"); customer.setFiscal_name("The Name Of The Customer");
- A part from the objects described here you will notice that there are other objects that are actual lists of the ones described below. Those are used by the SDK when pushing arrays of data through the API. There is not need to instantiate them.
- All of the Objects described below have overwrited the method toString for your convenience.
Please notice that the code described below is written in JAVA. If you are a C# fanboy just translated the types and method names. Sorry about that ;)
This object contains all necessary data to authenticate and perform data upload/download to and from your account at
Field name | Type | Constraint | Description |
url | String | Req. | The API URL |
username | String | Req. | Yor username at |
password | String | Req. | Your password at (Encrypted in Sha1) 5baa61e4c9b93f3f0682250b6cf8331b7ee68fd8 |
apikey | String | Req. | Your API Key cc0aa9e38fcc529fff5393078ab4a8cb |
secretkey | String | Req. | Your Secret Key. Make sure to keep it in a safe place b6ec1f77f73f0cb3937a3833aa948d9226e23532a0b5aaafd5b113c01142ad5c |
apiVersion | String | Req. | The API version you are pointing to. Current version "v1" v1 |
This object contains all necessary data to authenticate and perform data upload/download to and from your account at Actually you do not need to instantiate this object as it is done automatically when using the function AuthenticateMe() from the main controller, this is just a food to know information
Field name | Type | Constraint | Description |
accesstoken | String | Req. | The token that garants you acces to your account for a limited time 5357a2acd5a0399c36000001 |
expires | String | Req. | The time that lasts the token 60s |
tokenApi | String | Req. | A HMACDigest of the acces token and your secret key 2a99713e60c3e040439a0b31bc97fa34e660abc1 |
secretkey | String | Req. | Your Secret Key. Make sure to keep it in a safe place b6ec1f77f73f0cb3937a3833aa948d9226e23532a0b5aaafd5b113c01142ad5c |
Field name | Type | Constraint | Description |
code | String | Uni. Req. | Customer's ERP/external code. That's the code normally used to identify an specific customer externally. CS00001 |
comercial_name | String | Opt. | Customer's trade name. That's the name showed in the main position in the customer screen of the mobile app Maname |
fiscal_name | String | Req. | Customer's fiscal name. Maname & Company Ltd. |
vat_number | String | Opt. | Customer's Vat Number. D58709832 |
telephone | String | Opt. | Customer's telephone. (831) 758-7214 |
telephone_2 | String | Opt. | Customer's secondary telephone. (831) 758-7214 |
String | Opt. | Customer's e-mail. |
address | String | Opt. | Customer's main address. C/ Pablo Iglesias 63 |
address_2 | String | Opt. | Customer's main address (Line 2). PB L1 Corner Office |
city | String | Opt. | Customer's city. Temecula |
zip | String | Opt. | Customer's adress ZIP code. 92591 |
state_code | String | Opt. | Customer's state. CA |
state | String | Opt. | Customer's state code to match with the state codes previously uploaded. California |
country_code | String | Opt. | Customer's country code to match with the country codes previously uploaded. USA |
country | String | Opt. | Customer's country. United States |
latitude | BigDecimal | Opt. | Customer's address latitude. 33.5220079 |
longitude | BigDecimal | Opt. | Customer's address longitude. -117.1584848 |
discount | BigDecimal | Opt. | Customer's % disccount. 5 |
payment_method | String | Opt. | Customer's payment method. Immediately |
status | Short | Req. | Status of the object (1 Active / 0 Blocked ) 1 |
pricelist | String | Opt. | Code of the customer's price list 01 |
reps | List<String> | Opt. | List of Rep ids (ERP codes) [REP01, REP02, REP03] |
addresses | List<Address> | Opt. | List of Addresses [new Address(), new Address(), new Address()] |
language | String | Opt. | One of the CustomerLanguageType* CustomerLanguageType.ENGLISH |
updated_at | String | Auto | Update datetime. Auto generated 2014-02-25T11:29:00.671Z |
created_at | String | Auto | Create datetime. Auto generated 2014-02-25T11:24:34.243Z |
Field name | Type | Constraint | Description |
code | String | Uni. Req. | Address' code. It is required and unique in the customer's array of addresses. 01 |
name | String | Opt. | Address short description. Main Address (Headquarters) |
description | String | Opt. | Address long description. Company main address, ask for Jesse Brown, he runs the place. |
telephone | String | Opt. | Address telephone. (831) 758-7214 |
telephone_2 | String | Opt. | Address secondary telephone. (831) 758-7214 |
String | Opt. | Address e-mail. |
address | String | Opt. | Address street. C/ Pablo Iglesias 63 |
address_2 | String | Opt. | Address street (Line 2). PB L1 Corner Office |
city | String | Opt. | Address city. Temecula |
zip | String | Opt. | Address adress ZIP code. 92591 |
state_code | String | Opt. | Address state. CA |
state | String | Opt. | Address state code to match with the state codes previously uploaded. California |
country_code | String | Opt. | Address country code to match with the country codes previously uploaded. USA |
country | String | Opt. | Address country. United States |
latitude | BigDecimal | Opt. | Address address latitude. 33.5220079 |
longitude | BigDecimal | Opt. | Address address longitude. -117.1584848 |
billing | Short | Opt. | Specify if the address is meant for invocing. (1 yes / 0 no) 0 |
shipping | Short | Opt. | Specify if the address is meant for shipping the orders. (1 yes / 0 no) 1 |
visiting | Short | Opt. | Specify if the address is meant for visiting (1 yes / 0 no) 1 |
Field name | Type | Constraint | Description |
code | String | Uni. Req. | Product's ERP/external code. That's the code normally used to identify an specific product externally. PR0001 |
name | String | Req. | Product's name. That's the name showed in the main position in the product screen of the mobile app Vintage Whitey |
description | String | Req. | Description of the product Just some complementary information about the product |
price | BigDecimal | Opt. | Product Price 249.99 |
suggested_price | BigDecimal | Opt. | Product suggested price 300 |
cost | BigDecimal | Opt. | Cost price of the product 180 |
tax | BigDecimal | Opt. | Tax of the product 21 |
discount | BigDecimal | Opt. | Disccount 10 |
minimum | BigDecimal | Opt. |
Min. buying units |
maximum | BigDecimal | Opt. | Ma.x buying units 999999999 |
stock | BigDecimal | Opt. | Product's stock 12 |
unit | String | Opt. | Type of unit un. |
sort_order | Short | Opt. | Sort Order (the product position where it has to be placed in the catalog) 10 |
manufacturer | String | Opt. | ERP Code of the product's manufacturer MAN01 |
categories | List<String> | Opt. | Array of categories that the product belogns. [CAT01, CAT03, CAT04] |
date_available | Date | Opt. | Avaiable date new Date(2020,06,01) |
featured | Short | Opt. | Featured flag 1/0 1 |
status | Short | Opt. | Status of the object (1 Active / 0 Blocked ) 1 |
updated_at | String | Auto | Update datetime. Auto generated 2014-02-25T11:29:00.671Z |
created_at | String | Auto | Create datetime. Auto generated 2014-02-25T11:24:34.243Z |
Field name | Type | Constraint | Description |
code | String | Uni. Req. | Category ERP/external code. That's the code normally used to identify an specific category externally. CT002 |
name | String | Req. | Category name. Foam |
sort_order | Short | Opt. | Sort Order (the category position where it has to be placed in the catalog) 10 |
parent_code | String | Opt. | Category ERP/external parent code. CT001 |
status | Short | Opt. | Status of the object (1 Active / 0 Blocked ) 1 |
updated_at | String | Auto | Update datetime. Auto generated 2014-02-25T11:29:00.671Z |
created_at | String | Auto | Create datetime. Auto generated 2014-02-25T11:24:34.243Z |
Field name | Type | Constraint | Description |
code | String | Uni. Req. | Manufacturer ERP/external code. That's the code normally used to identify an specific manufacturer externally. BR001 |
name | String | Opt. | Manufacturer name. That's the name showed in the main position in the manufacturer screen of the mobile app Soul |
sort_order | Short | Opt. | Sort Order (the manufacturer position where it has to be placed in the catalog) 10 |
status | Short | Opt. | Status of the object (1 Active / 0 Blocked ) 1 |
updated_at | String | Auto | Update datetime. Auto generated 2014-02-25T11:29:00.671Z |
created_at | String | Auto |
Create datetime. Auto generated |
Field name | Type | Constraint | Description |
code | String | Uni. Req. | Product's ERP/external code. That's the code normally used to identify an specific product externally. PR0001 |
stock | BigDecimal | Req. | Product's stock. 40 |
stock_updated_at | String | Auto |
Create datetime. Auto generated |
Field name | Type | Constraint | Description |
unique_code | String | Uni. Req. | Price list unique ERP/external code. This is not the code of the price list but the the unique code that identifies a specific version of a price list. PL01VER01 |
code | String | Req. | Price list ERP/external code. PL01 |
description | String | Opt. | Description of the price list Winter 2015 |
type | Short | Opt. | One of the three PriceListType: PRICE, DISCOUNT, PRICE_DISCOUNT PriceListType.PRICE_DISCOUNT |
start_date | String | Opt. | Price List start date ISODate("2014-02-25T11:29:00.671Z") |
end_date | String | Opt. | Price List end date ISODate("2015-02-25T11:29:00.671Z") |
updated_at | String | Auto | Update datetime. Auto generated 2014-02-25T11:29:00.671Z |
created_at | String | Auto | Create datetime. Auto generated 2014-02-25T11:24:34.243Z |
Field name | Type | Constraint | Description |
unique_code | String | Uni. Req. | Unique code for the price list line so it is easy to update. PL01VER01L01 |
pricelist_code | String | Req. | Price List ERP code PL01 |
code | String | Req. | Code of the product PR0001 |
price | BigDecimal | Opt. | Product Price 250 |
quantity | BigDecimal | Opt. | Quantity in case the price is defined per volume. 5 |
discount1 | BigDecimal | Opt. | First discount 10 |
discount2 | BigDecimal | Opt. | Second discount 5 |
discount3 | BigDecimal | Opt. | Third discount 0 |
minimum | BigDecimal | Opt. |
Minimum or recurrent quantity that triggers the bonus |
bonus | BigDecimal | Opt. | Bonus units. This Particular example would be: Every 5 units, 2 bonus units 2 |
type | String | Opt. | The PriceListLineType, one of this three possible options: PRICE, BONUS, VOLUME PriceListLineType.PRICE |
updated_at | String | Auto | Update datetime. Auto generated 2014-02-25T11:29:00.671Z |
created_at | String | Auto | Create datetime. Auto generated 2014-02-25T11:24:34.243Z |
Field name | Type | Constraint | Description |
unique_code | String | Uni. Req. | Last sale unique code 0-SE-PED-1 |
rep_unique_code | String | Opt. | Rep code specified at reps managment place REP01 |
customer_id | String | Req. | Customer GUID (Generated by the system) Get only. Must exist. 5357a2acd5a0399c36000001 |
customer_unique_code | String | Req. | Customer ERP code C0001 |
product_id | String | Opt. | Product GUID (Generated by the system) Get only. 34143423dads1asdnak13213 |
product_unique_code | String | Req. | Product ERP SKU. No need to exist. PR001 |
product_description | String | Opt. | Product description SantaCruz |
manufacturer | String | Req. | A descriptio name of the prduct's manufacturer Soul |
category | String | Req. | A description of the product's category Boards |
quantity | BigDecimal | Req. | Number of sold units 4 |
unit | String | Req. | The unit to quantify the product kg |
unit_price | BigDecimal | Req. |
The unit price before applying the discounts |
final_unit_price | BigDecimal | Req. | Final unit price after applying the discounts 10.22 |
discount_description | String | Opt. | Discount description message 0% 0% 0% |
discount | BigDecimal | Opt. | First discount 0 |
discount2 | BigDecimal | Opt. | Second discount 0 |
discount3 | BigDecimal | Opt. | Third discount 0 |
subtotal | BigDecimal | Req. | Line subtotal, before tax 40 |
cost | BigDecimal | Req. | Cost of the product 12 |
date | Date | Req. | Sold at date 2014-02-25T11:29:00.671Z |
document_id | String | Req. | The document id SE-PED-1 |
updated_at | String | Auto | Update datetime. Auto generated 2014-02-25T11:29:00.671Z |
created_at | String | Auto | Create datetime. Auto generated 2014-02-25T11:24:34.243Z |
Field name | Type | Constraint | Description |
unique_code | String | Uni. Req. | Unique code for the order ORD01 |
internalcode | int | Auto | Auto incremental number 01 |
internalcode_pre | String | Auto | Prefix of the order. To be set at settings page. ORD |
code | String | Auto | Product ERP code "price" : 250 |
ref | String | Auto | Customer reference for the order REF-01 |
customer_info | Customer | Auto | Customer info at the moment of the order Customer Object |
customer_code | String | Auto | Customer code at the moment of the order CS00001 |
customer_name | String | Auto | Customer name at the moment of the order Maname & Company Ltd. |
payment_method | String | Auto |
Payment method used at the moment of the order |
rep_info | OrderRep | Auto | Rep Info OrderRep Object |
currency | String | Auto | Currency code at the moment of the order EUR |
currency_symbol | String | Auto | Currency Symbol at the moment of the order € |
comments | String | Auto | General comments on the order Some orther comments |
delivery_date | String | Auto | Suggested delivery date. Does not has to necessarly be date formated. End of the June |
type | Short | Auto | Order type: 0 - Order / 1 - Quotation 0 |
round | double | Auto | The number of decimals when rounding prices 2 |
discount | BigDecimal | Auto | General discount 0 |
subtotal | BigDecimal | Auto | Subtotal price of the order 200.55 |
total |
BigDecimal |
Auto | Total price of the order 250 |
created_at_local |
String |
Auto | Device date of order creation in reverse 20150120132038 |
status |
int |
Auto | Status of the order (Check order status for more information) 2 |
String |
Auto | Url of the PDF generated by the device at the moment of the order |
lines |
List<OrderLine> |
Auto | List of order lines |
totals |
List<OrderTotal> |
Auto | List of order totals |
updated_at | String | Auto | Update datetime. Auto generated 2014-02-25T11:29:00.671Z |
created_at | String | Auto | Create datetime. Auto generated 2014-02-25T11:24:34.243Z |
Field name | Type | Constraint | Description |
line | String | Uni. Req. | Line id is GUIDMANOLO 30a7e1b3-e763-4789-a54d-fcc53dcf973a |
related_line | String | Req. | Related Line GUID PR001 |
code | String | Req. | Product code PR001 |
description | String | Req. | Product Description Black Pocket |
manufacturer_name | String | Opt. | The manufacturer name of the product SantaCruz |
category_name | String | Opt. | Category of the product Gadgets |
units | BigDecimal | Req. | Quantity of items 2 |
sort_order | Long | Req. | The order of the line to be presented 20150120132026 |
served_units | BigDecimal | Opt. |
The number of served units |
unit_price | BigDecimal | Req. | Product unit price before tax 20 |
final_unit_price | BigDecimal | Req. | Final unit price 24.2 |
discount_description | String | Opt. | Discount description message 0% 0% 0% |
discount | BigDecimal | Opt. | First discount 0 |
discount2 | BigDecimal | Opt. | Second discount 0 |
discount3 | BigDecimal | Opt. | Third discount 0 |
tax_description | String | Req. | Avaiable date 21% |
tax | double | Req. | Product tax 21 |
subtotal | BigDecimal | Req. | Line subtotal, before tax 40 |
total | BigDecimal | Req. | Lie total 48.4 |
cost | BigDecimal | Req. | Cost of the product 12 |
Field name | Type | Constraint | Description |
String | Opt. | Rep's email at the moment of the order. |
firstname | String | Opt. | Rep's name at the moment of the order. John |
lastname | String | Opt. | Rep's lastname at the moment of the order. Doe |
code | Short | Opt. | Rep's ERP code at the moment of the order. REP01 |
Field name | Type | Constraint | Description |
local_id | String | Uni. Req. | Generated GUID. 368F1457-F695-4201-85C1-7E18153F0F92 |
sort_order | int | Req. | Price position when are all painted 1 |
code | String | Req. | Type identifier subtotal |
description | String | Req. | Description text Subtotal |
text | String | Req. | Amount description 230,00 € |
value | BigDecimal | Req. | Amount value 230 |
Field name | Type | Constraint | Description |
id | String | Uni. Req. | The order unique id. ORD01 |
status | String | Req. |
Status number code-reference. |
Order Status Code-Reference
- -1Canceled
- 2Pending
- 3In Process
- 4Error
- 5Delivered
- 6Completed
Field name | Type | Constraint | Description |
code | String | Uni. Req. | Country code. USA |
name | String | Req. | Country name United States of America |
List<State> | List<State> | Opt. | List of states [new State(), new State, new State()] |
updated_at | String | Auto | Update datetime. Auto generated 2014-02-25T11:29:00.671Z |
created_at | String | Auto | Create datetime. Auto generated 2014-02-25T11:24:34.243Z |
Field name | Type | Constraint | Description |
code | String | Uni. Req. | State code. Unique in the list of country states CA |
name | String | Req. | Type identifier California |
Field name | Type | Constraint | Description |
status | int | Response | Http status (200, 401, 500, etc.) 401 |
url | String | Response. | Url called |
message | String | Response | Http message Unauthorized |
bulkResponse | BulkResponse | Bulk Act. Resp. | Detailed information about the bulk upload |
singleResponse | SingleResponse | Error Resp | Cause and Item code of the error, when performing add, update and remove actions. |
Field name | Type | Constraint | Description |
id | String | Error Resp. | Code of the item that has failed. "PR001" |
error | String | Error Resp. | A message explaingin why did the call failed "Product not found" |
Field name | Type | Constraint | Description |
item_type | String | Response | The name of the item attempted to upload. product |
total | int | Response | Total number of items attempted to upload 20 |
inserts | int | Response | Number of correctly created items 6 |
updates | int | Response | Number of updated items 12 |
errors | int | Error Resp. | Number of items that couldn't be created or updated 2 |
items_error | String[ ] | Error Resp. | Array of codes from the items that have failed ["PR001", "PR002"] |